Reform UK brings a new choice, a new power in politics and now is a Party almost twice the size of the Conservatives and leading the national polls for a reason.

HIstorically, Westminster, properly managed, was a fantastic place to live, work or raise a family and the Reform Party UK intend to restore this:

  • Those illegally here, whether arriving by boats from France, or overstaying their visas, will be removed. We will change the law to do this and this will release the pressure on housing in Westminster; and unblock our homeless hostels, free up our GPs, Dentists & Mental Health Services & putting less fortunate British people on the streets in Westminster;
  • We will end the scandal of illegal migrants being housed in Westminster council accommodation and jumping the housing list and hospital queues ahead of legitimate British citizens and legal migrants who have been on the waiting lists.
  • We will ensure that we can permanently and quickly remove the foreign-born drug dealers and criminals operating in Westminster & we will clean up the crime from Westminster and make the streets safe for women and girls;
  • We will deport the foreign organised gangs of shoplifters blighting Westminster and get answers about the extent of the gangs preying sexually on our young children in Westminster and London and then act on this information to put a stop to abuse.
  • We will control the problem of e-bikes making pavements impassable for wheelchairs and prams and making driving so hazardous.
  • We will act to improve education and improve the air quality in the ward.
  • Legal migration will be permitted on a one-in one-out “country needs” basis

Only Reform UK will stop the deteriorating state of our local area.
Reform UK means standing up for the British People, for better services, lower crime, and lower tax.

We will genuinely listen to your concerns, (unlike the Labour-Conservative Council didn’t listen to the 92% of respondents who objected to the 2025 Warwick Way One-Way Scheme.)