Concerningly, just a few days ago, and only metres from the Westminster Cathedral, a rough sleeper in a little-used rear doorway passed away and it took 3 days before his condition was discovered! This is despite the arrangements with
StreetLink can be used by anyone in England and Wales to send an alert about someone who is sleeping rough. Alerts are sent to outreach teams, who go out mostly at night to connect people sleeping rough to local support services. They will usually get someone out within 2 hours via the StreetLink outreach teams.
Once an alert is submitted via StreetLink, the details are automatically sent to the relevant local outreach teams who will try to locate the individual, assess their needs, and offer appropriate support services with the aim of ending their homelessness. Being familiar with What Three Words helps because this allows TheStreetLink to locate the person of concern within 1 metre.StreetLink itself does not provide direct accommodation or actively search for individuals sleeping rough. Instead, it relies on the diligence of the public
– it is particularly of concern if someone sleeping outside has not moved for 24 hours. acts as the link between members of the public and local outreach services to provide assistance for those in need of support.
Over 18: StreetLink can only accept alerts for people who are sleeping rough or preparing to sleep rough and are over 18.
Under 18: If someone is under 18 years old, call 999.
Please do not make an alert if the person is begging or engaging in anti-social behaviour if they are not rough sleeping. This is a matter for the police on 999.