Why Nick Lockett is the change Vincent Square needs

Discover Nick Lockett’s vision for Vincent Square, rooted in Reform UK’s core values, focusing on transparency, community empowerment, and sustainable growth for a brighter future.

  • Making the streets safer, especially for girls and women
  • An end to the tsunami of anti-social behaviour
  • A clean and safe community for Vincent Square and the whole of Westminster
  • Getting effective action against homelessness
  • Ending the scandal of drug dealers openly dealing drugs on street corners and the openly advertised “home delivery” of drugs
  • Tacking minor crime and an end to the “broken window theory” problem
  • An end to the scourge of hired e-bikes and the number of people injured by reckless cyclists and the inconvenience to those with prams and the disabled by these being abandoned freely and not in cycle racks
  • Protecting. our post offices
  • Improving Education in Westminster
  • Creating better and faster access to GPs in Westminster
  • A control on spending and control of Council Tax
  • An end to street tents

Nick Lockett: A New Leader for Change

Explore upcoming events and activities that invite community involvement and offer enriching experiences for all.

Community Meet and Greet

APRIL, 2025

Meet Nick Lockett and the Westminster Reform team. Come and discuss community issues.
Full details to be announced soon

Reform Meeting

, 2025

Another of the regular meetings
Venue to be announced.

Community Meet and Greet

FEB 23RD, 2025

Meet Nick Lockett to discuss community issues.
11:30 to 12 noon Sunday 23rd February

Outside Westminster Cathedral.


May 7th 2026


Your Chance for a Change
ELECTION – 7th May 2026

Your voice matters!
Vote for ReformUK

Explore Nick Lockett’s Vision for Change

Vision for Vincent Square: Reforming the thriving heart of Westminster

My vision for the Vincent Square ward is to revive Vincent Square as the vibrant and inclusive community space that it used to be, cherished for its historical significance, its green spaces where women and children were safe, an area full of community-focused initiatives, a ward which is clean and safe, free of drug dealers and street theft and harassment. Somewhere where it is a joy to walk, free from anti-social behaviour, people openly defaecating in the streets and needing to step over the homeless and the increasing number of tents used by the homeless and illegal migrants.

I have a vision for Vincent Square ward, as well as the wider Westminster to be a model for sustainable urban living, where residents and visitors alike can enjoy a high quality of life, just as it used to be.

Key Pillars (in no particular order)

  1. Enhanced Street Safety
    • Restoring and enhancing the clean safe community that Westminster was once renowned for.
    • Ensuring that women and girls feel sale on the streets and an end to their stalking ….to many women and girls feel unsafe on our streets, and too many are followed and harassed
    • Transparency over policing changes – unlike the existing silence from the Conservatives & Labour over the ending of the Parks Police.
  2. Control of the Gangs:
    • An end to the scourge of foreign-gangs dealing drugs openly on the streets in the ward.
    • An end to the scourge of organised gangs of shoplifters.
  3. Cheaper Better Housing:
    • An end to the housing crisis caused by the huge number of illegal migrants housed in the borough, whether those arriving in boats illegally from France or those overstaying visas, and the enormous costs incurred.
    • Use that money released to provide increased maintenance and repair of council-owned housing.
    • An end to priority housing for migrants entering Britain and the system allowing them to jump the queue. Why should Westminster residents who have waited years for housing be pushed down the list by those who entered the Country illegally and who avoid deportation because their children like British chicken nuggets, or whose are given rights to avoid deportation because their husbands don’t like hot weather.
  4. An end to homelessness in Westminster
    • A release of the hostels from use by the Government for ilelgal and overstaying migrants to allow those who are genuinely long-term homeless to access the hostels and the associated mental health and living support.
    • An end to the scandal of illegal migrants setting up tent cities
  5. Better Access to GPs. Dentists and Mental Health Service
    • Better Access to GPs and an end to priority appointments for asylum seekers. Why should you as a tax-paying legal resident of Westminster have to wait weeks for an appointment because asylum seekers have priority on appointments.
    • Better mental health support in Westminster
  6. Control of e-bikes
    • An end to ebike-enabled phone thefts ignored by the police
    • An end to the curse of hire-e-bikes riding on pavements and in parks recklessly, often injuring people and pets
  7. Sustainable Living:
    • Encouraging sustainable transportation by providing bike racks and promoting walking and cycling, but only where the local residents want it
    • Schemes for Better air quality in the ward.
  8. A celebration of our heritage:
    • Celebrate the rich history of the Vincent Square Ward by showcasing its historical features and stories.
    • Only by celebrating the rich history of the Vincent Square Ward can we achieve civic pride in the ward.
    • Equal and Inclusive treatment for all policies
      • Ensure that any new developments in and around the ward are sensitive to its historical character.
  9. Controlled Council Tax and spending:
    • Only by controlling the spending of the council to ensure that it is sufficient and not wasteful can we ensure that your money is spent properly
    • only by control of spending and value for money, can we avoid increased council tax.

Achieving the Vision

To achieve this vision I will work tirelessly with you, as Residents, to achieve a collaborative effort involving:

  • With Residents: I will actively engage residents in the planning and decision-making processes to ensure their needs and aspirations are reflected in the changes.
  • Westminster City Council: I will providing balance and expertise in the leadership of. the Council and see that resources and support are made available for the implementation of the vision.
  • Local Organizations: I will actively foster partnering with community groups, businesses, and charities to deliver the programs and services that will benefit the community.

By working together, we can transform Vincent Square into a thriving heart of Westminster, a place where community, sustainability, and heritage come together to create a truly special place.

Nick Lockett
A Westminster Resident


email: nick.lockett.reformuk@gmail.com

Telephone 0747 141 6000
WeChat: London Lawyers
WhatsApp: 0747 141 6000